Setting a new standard for Open TaeKwon-Do Tournaments

Open TaeKwonDo Tournaments for all - Putting the U.K. groups back together and uniting as one.

Quality fighters everytime

Make new friends and unite

Amazing Multi Million Pound venue

Tournament Umpire Master Snow, 8th Degree

Having been in TaeKwonDo for nearly 40 years now, the head of L.T.S.I. Events is Master Snow, a man who is known as a visionary in the art. Each year, he is always looking to make the next event better. His ethos is to provide events all can afford always.

Tournament Administrator

Perhaps the backbone of L.T.S.I. events is Master Snow’s partner of 30 years Tracey, who works tirelessly on entries and to ensure every aspect of all our events are run to the best of the couples’ ability.  

Tournament Supervisor

Mr. Stuart Smith is a 6th Degree. His role in the L.T.S.I. events is to ensure that all rings are run as fair as can be on the day. Stuart also serves on the Executive Board, making all final changes to the events.


Official Photographer

Since the L.T.S.I. events were created in 2004, we have worked with D.E. Photo who cover our events twice a year. Our point of contact and good friend of Master Snow is Steve Cross.


Official First Aider

Mr. Tony Major is our official first aider of all L.T.S.I. events and looks after all competitors over the day.


L.T.S.I. Van Driver

All events for 2023 are covered by Chris Flynn – he drives the van on the weekend of events and ensures that all equipment and mats are up to scratch with safety guidelines.


Event Venue:

Venue Address: Hertfordshire Sports Village, DeHavilland Campus, Mosquito Way, Hatfield, AL10 9EU




Event Showcase:

Showcase : L.T.S.I. run events on a not for profit basis with charity at heart. Independently ran events mean no politics and no ego's.


L.T.S.I. Tournaments Contact US

14 + 10 =


  1. Only 350 allowed to enter - register NOW to guarantee entry
  2. Online Entry System NOW LIVE
  3. ​Fully matted event (6 rings, 7 by 7 metre), ensuring your safety always
  4. Best bespoke awards by far every time
  5. Fully insured events
  6. First aiders on site
  7. Public canteen on location
  8. Free meal for all officials
  9. 500 plus free spectator seats provided (bleachers).


gen choi3



General Choi Hong Hi

1918 - 2002, I.T.F. TaeKwonDo

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